
Descriptions for recent courses. Syllabi available upon request.

Introduction to American Government  — This is an introductory course on the U.S. Constitution, American political institutions, and political behavior. Students should leave this course with a better understanding of how democracy works and greater confidence in their ability to participate in it.

Policy and Politics of Poverty and Inequality — This course explores the trend of increasingly unequal division of resources in society and its consequences for American democracy. Students learn through data and narrative, exploring statistical estimates related to inequality, poverty, mobility and public policy and reading about people’s experiences with poverty and inequality.

Political Inquiry (undergraduate quantitative methods) — This course introduces students to the quantitative methods used by social scientists. Student practice skills such as quantitative reasoning, data collection and management, and applied statistical analysis in R. This course helps students become better producers of data, information, and research.

Fundamentals of Political Science (undergraduate scope & methods) — This course introduces students to the scientific method used by political scientists. Students practice skills such as concise writing, efficient reading, theory building/critical thinking, and applying ethical principles in research. This course helps students become better consumers of information and research.

Money, Media, and Politics — This course focuses on the implications of the current media and campaign finance landscape for the functioning of American government, including its impact on public policy. Students practice skills transferable to the workplace, such as creative thinking, writing clearly and concisely, and time management.

Improving Democracy: How to Fix Government by the People — This course encourages students to think critically and creatively about our political institutions in order to improve American democracy. Students will identify problems, evaluate solutions, and adopt a plan to reform government.

Graduate Seminar in American Politics — This course introduces students to the scientific study of American politics. Through discussion with one another, students learn about the field of American politics in a collaborative and constructive environment.

Graduate Seminar in State Politics & Policy — This course introduces students to the scientific study of state and local politics and policy in federal systems, especially the United States. Through discussion and consumption of research on subnational politics, students learn about political dynamics and novel research designs in a collaborative and constructive environment.

Interest Groups and Lobbying  — This course introduces students to interest groups and their lobbying and grassroots activities, with special focus on group access and influence in the policy process. Students complete tasks designed to develop skills for the workplace, such as clear and concise writing and regularly interacting with others in constructive and creative manner.

I have also taught (as co-instructor or TA) the following courses: State and Local Government, Nonprofits and Advocacy, The American Worker, and Survey Research Methods.